Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Product Spotlight: DigiPuppets

With the amount of time children spend in front of a screen or electronic device, educational apps aim at making some of that time beneficial. DigiPuppets has created a tiny tech solution to get parents and their children more engaged in educational material. Honey Bunny and Zip the Zebra are classic finger puppets that put learning and adventure at children's fingertips. They work with any iPad, iPhone or Android device to become a learning buddy for tech savvy children ages 3-7. Each finger puppet controls the touch screen and are an adorable accessory for the educational apps including Honey Bunny Learns to Share, which teaches pre-school to second grade children reading and sharing skills; Zips Learning Adventure and Honey's Hide & Peek—both teaching math, language, shapes and motor skills; and Zip's Big Race, which teaches children reading and life lessons about working hard and helping others.

Additional finger puppets and corresponding games soon to be added include Marco the Moose, Plucky Puppy, Kristy Kitty, Barry Bear and Princess Patty.

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